Sunday, March 29, 2009

PARADE article on our prisons

Well just look at the picture they choose to use- our prisons are full of Mexicans- mostly gang related and drug related. Of course our incarceration rate is higher than Mexico- they don;'t put anyone in jail and still they all come here where it is politically incorrect to say anything against them. Give me a break- of course there are good and bad people of all colors and backgrounds- but again just look at the picture and the statistics. It is not profiling just like saying it is not profiling to say we are looking for Muslims at the airports. Little white women like me did not take down the towers!

Instead of putting them in our prisons send them back over the board and let those governments take care of them.

Stop putting drug users in prison- rather counter productive isn't it and it has been since Regan; same for those with mental health issues- prison is not where they belong- but of course we closed down all those facilities as well. So hey, maybe we are saving money by just throwing everyone in jail? Not likely. Never mind the moral and ethical questions.

To me the most frighten things happening today is not the recession and loss of credit for people. About time we stopped over spending and became a culture that actually made things we could sell elsewhere. The frightening thing is our prison system and all the repercusions from that; and the goal of a large portion of the Muslim community desire to really, face it, take over the world. And the so called moderate or non violent Muslims who sit by the side of the road. I am so afraid of the kind of America that my nieces and nephews will live in as adults. The recession is just what gangs and criminals can take advantage of and so can the Muslims. The Muslims have already changed much of France and Germany; also England; and most of Belgium. We are the infidel and we are in their sites.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

I don't know, there just seems to be one small blunder after another out of the White House. And I really hope everyone is ready for their taxes to go up. They certainly need to be raised in Florida- we have no money! And we are not getting much in the way of bail out dollars. I am not so much outraged at the bonus dollars to AIG as I am to the fact that the entire plan to save the economy will not likely save the economy and instead saddle us in debt for the next 50 years.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

The bail out for states

So in today's paper they listed the 5 worst states' economies and Florida was number 2. Then they listed the 5 states getting the least amount of aid from Washington- Florida. Is something not wrong here? It is bad enough that we cut one of our two sources of income- property taxes- that the governor said would hold education harmless. Yeah, right. He really is brilliant at talking out of both sides of his mouth. The state budget is in the tanker- they are cutting education yet they raised the amount going to jails. They better just keep raising that amount because education in Florida is crap and with the cuts taking place education will just get worse and we will really need those jails.