Thursday, September 23, 2010

Ah, morning is here all too early. The medication for my back really makes me tired- it used to really help, now not so much. I go back to the orthopedic surgeon today with the new MRIs to see what he says. I have multiple issues and three years ago he said no surgery. Now opinions on back surgery are mixed. For every person I meet who it helped, I meet one person who is just as bad off if not worse. But if I have multiple issues why can't we try to fix just one? Pain is 24 hours a day 7 days a week. So maybe we get it down to every other day? Seems I have scoliosis in 2 different places now. Why can't we fix that? They fix scoliosis all the time. This is supposed to be the best back surgeon in town so we shall see. Have to go get dressed to go to the office- the one place I don't want to be. At all. Which is also why it is so hard to get up in the morning and get there on time. But you know, no one really knows I'm not on time and not sure anyone really cares. I am really an unimportant cog in a giant broken wheel so there are more important cogs to fix and take care of. Used to be I would say I was happy being a big fish in a little pond. Well it is still a little pond in my opinion but I think I am no longer a big fish. I used to feel like I was in touch with what was going on but even with websites and email and FB I don't think so. As much as I hate to say it I think you need to be out and about at night. WHich being single is not something I look forward to. Anyway- late, late late- off to work.

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