Saturday, September 25, 2010

a friend and i went to dinner last night and as she is eating her chicken we get on the topic of meat eater v. vegitarian. I get squemish here. I eat chicken; I eat fish; on rare occasion ham; on rare occasion beef. I gave up veal because of how they treat the calfs. I gave up lamb because their face kept creeping into my mind as I ate. Do you believe the doctors who say you need protein you should eat meat your body needs it, yadda yadda? Do you believe the doctors who say no there are ways to get plenty of protein, yadda yadda. I think the first part of the argument should be how we raise and treat our food. First off- the egg recall. That is because of greed- more chickens, less space, lay more eggs, make more money. It is not because eating eggs is bad, it is not because raising chickens is bad, it is because once again humans are bad. We take the low road instead of the high road. Next, article about antibiotic use in cows, chickens and pigs. Well if you treated them right you wouldn't need to give them antibiotics! The article had a picture of tons of piglets in a tiny little cage. WHY? Greed. The farmer wants to make a lot of money. So they produce a lot of meat to sell. And then we American's consume way too much food- and more importantly- THROW AWAY THE REST. We really buy and eat all that meat produced? We really buy and eat all that fish that is over-caught? Really? Anyway, so I have my personal struggle of eating fish and chicken; I do love the taste of bacon; I eat turkey at Thanksgiving; And I eat more eggs. Can't wait to see my next cholosterol test; but I am substituting in more Greek yogurt with its high protein content. Sorry, I can't stand tofu no matter how you try to disguise it- it is tofu. I have yoga this morning- maybe I will meditate on this.

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