Friday, September 24, 2010

I am so glad that it is Friday. I couldn't take one more day getting up and going into work. Something about knowing it is Friday and no work tomorrow makes it possible to plaster a smile on my face and keep going. A friend asked me to do something this evening and I told thanks but no. First it was outside and I don't do anything out side in Florida in September! Never until November! Secondly the thought of having to extend the energy made me want to crawl immediately into bed. She is a good friend and I would like to see her and spend time with her but i just could not muster the strength. It has been such a horrible week.

And there I go sounding like a winer. My life compared to most is a breeze. I get that. I appreciate what I have. So there must be something seriously wrong with my chemistry and my wiring.

Must find more literature on menopause. Because right now life sucks.

1 comment:

  1. Hey. Been thinking about you. I'm here if you want to talk - privately ofcourse. I have felt very similar to the way it seems that you feel. Not the physical but the mental.

    I can come over or we can go somewhere - NOT outside!! haha

    Christy Hilbun
